Brain Teasers
Brain Teasers![](quest.gif)
1: An Exam to your WITS
This test does not measure your intelligence, your fluency with words and
certainly not your mathematical ability. It will, however, give you some
gauge of your mental flexibility and creativity. In the three years since
the test was developed, few people could solve more than half the 23
questions on the first try. Many, however, reported getting answers long
after the test had been set aside, particularly at unexpected moments when
their minds were relaxed; and some reported solving all the questions over
a period of several days.
INSTRUCTIONS: Each question below contains the initial of words that
will make it correct. Find the missing words.
Example: 16 = O in a P. Ounces in a Pound
1. 26 = L of the A
2. 1001 = A N
3. 7 = W of the W
4. 12 = S of the Z
5. 54 = C in a D (with the J)
6. 9 = P in the S S
7. 88 = P K
8. 13 = S on the A F
9. 32 = D F at which W F
10. 18 = H on a G C
11. 90 = D in a R A
12. 200 = D for P G in M
13. 8 = S on a S S
14. 3 = B M ( S H T R )
15. 4 = Q in a G
16. 24 = H in a D
17. 1 = W on a U
18. 5 = D in a Z C
19. 57 = H V
20. 11 = P on a F T
21. 1000 = W that a P is W
22. 29 = D in F in a L Y
23. 64 = S on a C
2:Base to explorer at south pole:
"What's the temperature?"
"Minus 40 said the explorer."
"Is that Centigrade or Fahrenheit?" asked the base
"Put down Farenheit,'said the explorer. I don't expect it to matter."
Why did he say that?
3:A brave explorer was once exploring deepest darkest Africa when he was
captured by a tribe of cannibals. The canniabals, however, were fond of
problems in logic, and so they said to the explorer, "we are going to
allow you to make one statement. If the statement you make is true, we
will burn you alive at the stake. If the statement you make is false, then
we will boil you alive in a huge pot of water."
The explorer, howerver, was very clever, and the logic-loving cannibals were
forced to let him go. What statement did he make???
1. 26 letters of the alphabet
2. 1001 Arabian nights
3. 7 wonders of the world
4. 12 signs of the zodiac
5. 54 cards in a deck (with the jack)
6. 9 planets in the Solar System
7. 88 piano keys
8. 13 stripes on the American Flag
9. 32 degrees at which water freezes
10. 18 holes on a golf course
11. 90 degrees in a right angle
12. 200 dollars for passing go in Monopoly
13. 8 sides on a stop sign
14. 3 blind mice (see how they run)
15. 4 quarters in a game
16. 24 hours in a day
17. 1 wheel on a unicycle
18. 5 digits in a zip code
19. 57 Heinz varieties
20. 11 players on a football team
21. 1000 words that a picture is worth
22. 29 days in February in a Leap Year
23 64 squares on a checkerboard
2:- 40 Centigrade = -40 Fahrenheit
3: He said, "I will be boiled alive in a huge pot of water."